Redesigned Screen Node and Workflow Configurations

August 2, 2022

                        Product Update 1

→ Redesigned Screen node

We have updated the shape of the screen node on the workflow into the shape of a mobile screen so you may easily be able to connect to the idea that each screen node represents the screen that will appear to your user :)

Had trouble connecting the two nodes during your workflow? No Worries no more, as we have updated the handle size at the two connector ends. Now you may notice a Blue box at the connector end of the node and connect that with the blue box of the receiver's node. No more hassle of finding the minute point in the node box!
Click here to know more on Screen nodes

→ 2. Introducing Decision Node

We have now introduced the decision node for you to use during your workflow! Decision nodes help users to navigate to different screens programmatically through a simple if-else method. The Decision node can be accessed by clicking on the Create Node button on the Top bar of your workflow page.

For example : A Particular agent has met a customer and needs to enter it in the designated app. The app will prompt two possible options : “Met'' or “Not Met”. He will click on the “Met” Option. The agent will now be prompted to the “Congratulations, keep it up!” screen. Had the agent not met the customer or encountered any other identical scenario and clicked on the “Not Met” Option, he would have been prompted to the “Uh no, Pending Customer!” Screen.

Sounds cool! Doesn't it? Go on! Use it in your workflows and give it a try! Click here to know more on Decision Nodes

→ 3. Workflow Configurations

We now have a brand new sidebar and many more options to configure your workflow. We have delivered three sections in the sidebar which are namely:

a. Details of Workflow -

This contains the Workflow Name and Workflow Description. You may update the details as per your requirement!

b. System Transition Actions -

Under the broad division of System Transition Actions (STA) there are 4 options:

Update Team and User Configurations:

Every time, team or assigned user for a task is changed/removed, you now have an option to invoke actions. For ex, these actions can be used to update your ERP or Order Management System (OMS) everytime team or user is changed. Learn More about these options

Update Schedule Slot Configurations:

Now, you can trigger Actions and apply Conditions whenever the scheduled slots of your task are changed. For Example: When you want to trigger a notification to the customer when the scheduled timings of your service task is changed, you can use these configurations.

Task Creation Configurations:

You can also trigger actions at the time of task creation. For example : Trigger an API to your central database or CRM when a new task is created.

Task Update Configurations:

Guess what, you can even use Actions and Conditions when a task data is updated. The Task Update Configuration can be used when you want to update the details of the task, for example, when you want to update the delivery location or adding the instruction to leave an order at the door etc.

Task Delete Configurations:

One more, you can also use Actions when a task is deleted. The Task Delete Configuration actions can be used when you want to integrate an external system on deletion of a task. For example, to mark the deletion of a task in Order management system, ERP or the analytics DB.

c. Task Cards:

A Task Card is the card that appears on the app home screen showing details of a particular task.

Now, you have the complete liberty to configure these cards according to your needs. There are specific defined fields like Heading, Subheading, Banners and Location. Location can be used if you would like to see the task as pins under the Maps home screen.For advanced needs, you can use the script editor in Zorp to do advanced manipulations to your data.